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2 posts tagged with "administrivia"

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· One min read
Jake Russo

Ok, I have hosting now through and am up at! I'm continuing to flesh out more detail in syntax sections and then I hope to get some compiler work done.

In order to get maps ready to go, I need to also have the working legend system and that also requires a meta-legend and I am still not sure how to best organize the code.

The issue is because I have this intermediate understanding of the Self architecture and I am trying to mirror that in Rhumb but also through the lens of Go. It doesn't help that I spent a month away from the codebase and my Go familiarity is mediocre at best. So it's taking some time to get back up to speed one exactly where I left off and how I can carry the work foward.

That's all that I can really say until I've gotten more stuck-in. See you all in the next one!

· 2 min read
Jake Russo

I have setup the site and am getting the first blog put together. Going to leave these beautiful plushies in here for good measure:

Docusaurus Plushie

Now, where were we? Oh yeah! Rhumb! You will learn more about the language in many more posts to come. Keep reading for insights into the current status and rough roadmap for the year ahead.