Collections of sequential expressions. Routines are your basic parentheses-based grouping mechanism.
Two labels in a routine. In Rhumb, the only separator is ;
the ,
operator is non-existent.
Routines are evaluated first and each one contains a mini-environment that you can provide new label bindings or any other expressions.
When you want to store a routine and execute it at a later time,
place it in <()>
and it will be converted into a reference routine.
Reference routines are known as subroutines in Rhumb.
<(foo; bar)>
You would then supply a label to this value and could invoke it at a later time. These subroutines are just reusable code but there is a way to supply unlabeled arguments:
fib .= <($1 << 2 => $1 !> fib($1 -- 1) ++ fib($1 -- 2))>
Whenever a subroutine uses a base expression, it causes the subroutine to shift it's default return value from the last expression to the base map. This is how Rhumb differentiates between constructors and non-constructor subroutines.
multiply .= [x] -> x ** 2 % returns the multiplication result
User := [name] -> !\name := name % returns ! (base)
When adding methods, it's important to bind the subroutine to the appropriate base map.
<User>\set-age := [age] -> !\dob := Date\now\year -- age
<User>\<set-age> .= <User>\<set-age> !! <User>
Rhumb gives you a shorthand way to accomplish this:
<User>\set-age .= [age] !> !\dob := Date\now\year -- age
Imagine we have a subroutine with a label of baz
. You would invoke
by just referencing it. If you want to supply arguments, you can include
a postfix set of parentheses but they are not required.
baz % same as
baz() % this
You can supply multiple arguments to the subroutine by separating values
using the ;
baz(1; two)
Because commas are part of numbers as per some cultural conventions. Commas don't make sense in labels like periods do so they are used only in the number token and in the prefix reply operator.
When you want to explicitly name the arguments that are supplied to a
subroutine, provide them with a submap. A submap is normally
delinaeated with a <[...]>
but the ->
function operator will do the
referencing automatically.
pythag .= [a; b; c] -> a^^2 ++ b^^2 // c^^2
equiv-subroutine .= <($1^^2 ++ $2^^2 // $3^^2)>
For a submap or function parameters, you must supply a surrounding
op of []
at the least. You can even slurp or concatenate two submaps together in a manner:
person .= <[first; last; age]>
employee .= <[grade; title; id]>
access0 .= [p::person; e::employee]
access1 .= [person; employee] -> (
employee\grade << 23 =>
#access-denied(person\first; person\last; employee\id)
access2 .= [&person; &employee] -> (
grade << 23 =>
#access-denied(first; last; id)
access3 .= (person && employee) -> (
grade << 23 =>
#access-denied(first; last; id)
Here, you can see how parameter lists are first-class constructs that captures the spirit of named arguments, records and scope.